# RF gateway (433mhz/315mhz)

# Protocols, modules and library

RTL_433 covers OOK protocols detailed here and supports auto-discovery following Home Assistant convention. The other libraries/modules are more for advanced users.

Board Protocols Assembly/Soldering required
Heltec LORA V2 433Mhz RTL_433, receiving only No
LILYGO® LoRa32 V2.1_1.6.1 433 Mhz RTL_433, receiving only No
ESP32 + SX127X RTL_433, receiving only Yes
ESP32 + CC1101 RTL_433, RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Yes
ESP8266 + Basic RF modules (SRX, STX, XD RF, FS1000A RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Yes
ESP8266 + CC1101 (might have lower range than with SRX/STX above) RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Yes
ESP32 + Basic RF modules (SRX, STX, XD RF, FS1000A RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Yes


If you want to try the RTL_433 module with a combination or a board outside of this list, verify that it has an SX1278 or a SX1276

Heltec LORA V3 is not compatible with RTL_433 library as it is based on an SX1262 module.

# Assembly/soldering required parts

Module Purpose Compatible modules Receiver Switching Where to Buy
SRX882 or SRX882S (recommended) 433Mhz Receiver RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Supported compatible parts list (opens new window)
STX882 (recommended) 433Mhz Transmitter RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Supported compatible parts list (opens new window)
CC1101 433Mhz Transceiver RTL_433, RF(RCSwitch), RF2(KaKu), Pilight Supported compatible parts list (opens new window)
SX1276/SX1278 433Mhz Transceiver RTL_433 Not Supported compatible parts list (opens new window)
LilyGo/Heltec 433Mhz Transceiver RTL_433 Not Supported compatible parts list (opens new window)

# SRX STX Pinout

Board Receiver Pin Emitter Pin
ESP8266 D2/D3/D1/D8 RX/D2
ESP32 27/26 12
RF BRIDGE DIRECT HACK (opens new window) 4 5

Connect the Emitter and Receiver to a 5V or 3.3V supply source, check datasheet of your modules to confirm (3.3V for CC1101), and the ground of your supply source to the ground of your board.


With SRX882S receiver connect the CS pin to 3.3V

# CC1101 Pinout

Board Receiver Pin(GDO2) Emitter Pin(GDO0) SCK VCC MOSI MISO CSN GND
ESP8266 D2/D3/D1/D8 RX/D2 D5 3V3 D7 D6 D8 GND
ESP32 D27 D12 D18 3V3 D23 D19 D5 GND

To use the CC1101 module, ZradioCC1101 must be uncomment in the User_config.h or added to the build_flags. More information about the CC1101 wiring (opens new window). ( Please note that with OMG we are recommending CC1101 GDO2 to be connected to ESP32 D27 and GDO0 to be connected to D12, this is different than the LSatan diagram. This is due to the ESP32 using D2 as part of the boot process. )

# ESP32 Hardware setup


# ESP8266 Hardware setup

If the gateway works only when serial monitor is connected don't use D3 use D2 instead (gpio 4) and modify config_RF.h accordingly.

With SRX882 some users reported that D3 is not working use D1 instead in this case and modify config_RF.h accordingly.


# SONOFF RF Bridge Hardware setup

Per default there is no need on modifying the RF Bridge hardware, unless you don't want to use the provided RF controller (EFM8BB1). Indeed if you want to extend the protocols supported by the bridge you can bypass this controller (opens new window) and use the ESP8255 capacities to decode RF Signal. The RF processing can be achieved after the modification by either RF, RF2 or Pilight gateways.

# SONOFF RFR3 Hardware setup

Connect GPIO4 of the ESP8255 to the pin D0 of SYN470 (opens new window)

# WIFI RF GATEWAY Hardware setup

This board doesn't require any hardware modifications.

Last Updated: 10/15/2024, 11:42:58 AM