# Actuators

# Compatible parts

Module Purpose Where to Buy
LED Basic led parts list (opens new window)
FASTLED RGB Leds management parts list (opens new window)
BUZZER - parts list (opens new window)
RELAY Switch power circuit parts list (opens new window)

# Pinout

Module Boards
RELAY all output compatible pins
FASTLED all output compatible pins

Vcc pin of the board and the Module to a 5V supply source Ground pins of the board and the Module to the ground of the supply source.

# Somfy RTS

For this actuator a 433.42 MHz RF transmitter is required. The standard 433.92 MHz transmitter don't work. The CC1101 Transceiver supports both 433.42 MHz and 433.92 MHz and can be used with the Somfy RTS actor. The wiring of the hardware is described in the RF gateway.

Last Updated: 12/4/2024, 12:04:56 AM