# Sensors

# Compatible sensors

Module Purpose Where to Buy
DHT11 Temperature, Humidity parts list (opens new window)
DHT22 Temperature, Humidity parts list (opens new window)
HCSR501 PIR parts list (opens new window)
BH1750 Digital light parts list (opens new window)
BME280 Temperature, Humidity, Pressure parts list (opens new window)
BMP280 Temperature, Pressure parts list (opens new window)
C-37, YL-83, HM-RD Leak, Water parts list (opens new window)
HTU21 Temperature, Humidity parts list (opens new window)
GPIO Input Inputs -
GPIO KeyCode Keycode parts list (opens new window)
INA226 Current, Voltage parts list (opens new window)
MQ2 Gas (flammable) parts list (opens new window)
TEMT6000 Luminosity parts list (opens new window)
TSL2561 Luminosity parts list (opens new window)

# Pinout

Module Arduino Pin ESP8266 Pin ESP32 Pin
Analog reading A0 A0 A0
BH1750 SDA A4 D2 21
BH1750 SCL A5 D1 22
BME280/BMP280 SDA A4 D2 21
BME280/BMP280 SCL A5 D1 22
C-37, YL-83, HM-RD A0 + D14 A0 + D14 A7 + D14
DHT11/22 D8 D1 16
HC-SR501/HC-SR505 7 D5 5
HTU21 SDA A4 D2 21
HTU21 SCL A5 D1 22
INA226 SDA A4 D2 21
INA226 SCL A5 D1 22
MQ02 A0 + D4 A0 + D4 A0 + D4
TEMT6000 A0 A0 A0
TSL2561 SDA A4 D2 21
TSL2561 SCL A5 D1 22

Vcc pin of the board and the Module to a 3.3V or 5V supply source depending on sensor voltage requirement. Ground pins of the board and the Module to the ground of the supply source.

Last Updated: 12/4/2024, 12:04:56 AM