# RS232 gateway
The RS232 gateway can be used to send and receive data from the serial connection to and from MQTT. Both softwareSerial as hardwareSerial are supported. HardwareSerial can be used for higher baud rates, but is limited to specific pins on most platforms.
# Sending an RS232 message
Simply publish the message you wish to transmit, minus the prefix and postfix. For example, to send the "Turn On" signal for a Mitsubishi XD221U projector, the code is simply '!' so you would use the command
mosquitto_pub -t home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoRS232 -m '{"value": "!"}'
It will automatically add the prefix and postfix you set in config_RS232.h (opens new window).
# Receiving an RS232 message
Two modes are available for receiving RS232 messages.
# Single MQTT message mode (default)
To receive a message, subscribe to all with mosquitto_sub -t +/# -v
and perform an action that should get a response from the device. For example, If I were to send the "Turn On" signal from earlier, I would receive back
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT {"value":"1"}
Because this projector echoes back a received command to acknowledge. Some devices will send a NACK, or Negative Acknowledge, to confirm that they received your message but could not comply. That would look like
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RStoMQTT {"value":"!:N"}
# JSON mode
This mode can be used if the received message on the serial link is JSON. The JSON keys are used as separate MQTT sub-topics. For nested JSON this will be repeated for sub-keys up to the specified nesting level.
For example:
input received at serial link:
{temperature: {sens1: 22, sens2: 23}, humidity: {sens1: 80, sens2: 60}}
output in case of max nesting level 1:
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT/temperature "{sens1: 22, sens2: 23}"
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT/humidity "{sens1: 80, sens2: 60}"
output in case of max nesting level 2 (or higher):
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT/temperature/sens1 22
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT/temperature/sens2 23
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT/humidity/sens1 80
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RS232toMQTT/humidity/sens2 60